Migration to AWS: Embrace the Intelligent IT revolution

IT end-to-end migration to AWS Cloud with no downtime, no data loss, and no hazards to operations

It is impossible to dispute Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) status as a forerunner of the cloud computing revolution. The launch of the AWS cloud, a creative offspring of the e-commerce juggernaut, marked the beginning of “digital democracy” for millions of businesses around the world. Businesses can now say goodbye to all IT management issues and take advantage of cutting-edge compute, storage, networking, data centre assets, software, and intelligent native solutions on-demand over the web, regardless of their size, location, or industry (read: cloud).

Performance scaling, IT upkeep, updates, and security were no longer issues for particular businesses, but for cloud providers. One and a half decades later, cloud migration

190 Countries

There are already 190 countries with more than 1 million active enterprise AWS cloud users.

AWS cloud-powered

websites are regularly accessed by one-third of all internet users worldwide.


Businesses adopting the AWS cloud platform save 76% on the cost of running web apps and 50% on business applications.

As the largest application-focused cloud managed service provider in the world, CDWT takes care of every step of your AWS cloud migration process from beginning to end, ensuring no downtime or data loss. AWS Cloud Adoption Framework customization and the Migration Factory methodology ensure that all IT assets, regardless of complexity and non-synchronicity, are smoothly migrated to the AWS platform during cloud migration.

Migration to AWS should be done with clear strategy, planning, deployment, and governance phases that enable clients to use Amazon cloud to the fullest at cost-effective rates. Enterprises have a single, pay-per-use SLA and a variety of SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, and FaaS service models to select from, including public, private, hybrid, and multicloud deployments on AWS. Get specialised advice and round-the-clock assistance from AWS professionals. To create a "intelligent future" on the AWS platform, CDWT is your cloud partner.

Conquer AWS Migration Obstacles. Thrive and Expand with CDWT.

  • Agile Amazon Cloud Adoption Framework to provide frictionless transition (public, private, or hybrid cloud model) for diverse, complex IT infrastructures.
  • AWS Migration Factory Method reduces migration and future cloud travel expenses. Gain a Higher ROI with a Pay-Per-Use Model that is Flexible
  • On the AWS cloud, virtualize or upgrade backend infrastructure assets like as servers, networks, computation, storage, middleware, architectures, and front-end corporate applications.
  • Embrace, IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS paradigms based corporate needs and future goals
  • Migrate and upgrade all IT and datacenter assets to AWS, including mission-critical systems, independent platforms, third-party apps, etc. Utilize cloud-native applications like Amazon Aurora, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Keyspaces, Amazon RDS, and Amazon RedShift.
  • Transition and manage your complex IT environment, such as private clouds, on-premises systems, and numerous other adopted clouds, with simplicity using a single, universal AWS interface. Utilize AWS hybrid solutions like AWS Outposts, AWS Wavelength, VMware on AWS, etc.
  • Dedicated cloud maturity assessment, strategy, blueprinting, and implementation stages guarantee a customised cloud architecture is provided in alignment with existing on-premises infrastructure, current IT requirements, and future goals.
  • Utilize the 24/7 assistance of qualified AWS specialists, developers, security and maintenance professionals, engineers, and consultants who serve as extended members of a client’s IT team.
  • AIOps-enabled AWS managed operations optimise cloud IT administration and functionality at all levels.
  • Industry-leading availability, hyper-scalable operations, and flexible workload performance with the smallest possible latency
  • Dedicated Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery with automated recovery and backup solutions. Adopt innovative cloud storage technologies like Amazon S3, S3 Glacier, Amazon EBS Snapshots, etc.
  • RTO/RPO-centric services with a native cloud-based solution for risk-based notifications. Adopt DRaaS on the AWS Cloud.
  • With predictive alerts and preventative maintenance, intelligent security systems defend datacenter assets, networks, computing infrastructure, platforms, databases, and applications, among other things. Utilize cloud-native security instruments such AWS Security Hub, AWS Guardrail, Identity and Access Management, AWS Monitor, etc.
  • AWS architecture that strictly adheres to local, national, and international regulations. PCI-DSS, NESA, SAMA, GDPR, FedRamp, MSA, IRAP, GxP, CSA, OJK, MEITI, and RBI are among them. Worldwide standards include ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, ISO 20000, ISO 22301, SOC1, and SOC2 certifications.
  • Cloud-based data management, security, and modernisation services and solutions.
  • Integrate Big Data Analytics into all company operations in order to promote informed decision-making. Use AWS-native solutions such AWS Kinesis, Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon Quicksight, and Amazon Glue Databrew.
  • Utilize unique automation technologies for IT management, workflow administration, and cybersecurity management, such as Cloud Service Portal, Self Healing Operations Platform, and RPA solutions, among others.
  • Adopt a custom suite of cloud-native solutions and enterprise applications, including AWS EC2 Instances, AWS Lambda, AWS Terraform, AWS CloudEndure, Amazon Connect, Amazon WorkDocs, Amazon Chime, Amazon Honeycode, Amazon Simple Email Service, AWS Blockchain solutions, and more, to address and augment all IT and business functions end-to-end.
  • Healthcare, banking, government, financial services, manufacturing, retail, media and entertainment, space, etc.

End-to-End AWS Migration Services from CDWT: Experience Intelligent, Hyperscalable Performance in the Cloud

With over 200 host-native solutions, the AWS Cloud platform is a low-cost, contemporary, and intelligent IT alternative to old physical systems. As the biggest application-focused managed cloud service provider in the world and a certified end-to-end AWS migration partner, CDWT offers a unique AWS Migration Factory strategy to simplify AWS migration for enterprises.

With the assembly line transition technique complemented by cutting-edge automation, artificial intelligence technologies, and certified cloud professionals, a bespoke AWS architecture can be developed to meet the enterprise’s budget, customer experience, and business milestone requirements. A comprehensive AWS migration acceleration programme significantly simplifies migration issues.

On the AWS platform, CDWT offers comprehensive AIOps-powered public, private, community, hybrid, and multi cloud migration and managed services. CDWT guarantees the most modern cloud solutions under a single, cost-effective pay-per-use SLA by ensuring industry-leading uptime and always-on availability in the cloud.

Cutting-edge AWS cloud migration tools such as Migration Evaluator, AWS Migration Hub, AWS Application Discovery Services, AWS Landing Zone, AWS Control Tower, AWS Management and Governance, AWS Database Migration Services, AWS Server Migration Service, AWS Application Discovery Service, AWS Direct Connect, and AWS Marketplace expedite the migration process.

Automate core company activities, embrace world-class security, manage everyday operations with ease, and get comprehensive business intelligence capabilities. Obtain AWS consultation and assistance around the clock when transitioning to AWS. It is a road map to an intelligent and resilient company future.

On the AWS platform, CDWT offers comprehensive AIOps-powered public, private, community, hybrid, and multi cloud migration and managed services. CDWT guarantees the most modern cloud solutions under a single, cost-effective pay-per-use SLA by ensuring industry-leading uptime and always-on availability in the cloud. Migration Evaluator, AWS Migration Hub, AWS Application Discovery Services, AWS Landing Zone, AWS Control Tower, AWS Management and Governance, AWS Database Migration Services, AWS Server Migration Service, AWS Database Migration Service, AWS Application Discovery Service, AWS Direct Connect, and AWS Marketplace are innovative AWS cloud migration tools that simplify the migration process. Automate core company activities, embrace world-class security, manage everyday operations with ease, and get comprehensive business intelligence capabilities. Obtain AWS consultation and assistance around the clock when transitioning to AWS. It is a road map to an intelligent and resilient company future.

Private cloud adoptions are appropriate for businesses with disjointed IT landscapes, highly sensitive data and applications, and the requirement for specialised ITOps and security perimeters. With more than 50,000 instances and more than 250 private cloud configurations across 25 countries, CDWT facilitates the execution of private cloud initiatives with industry-leading agility and no downtime. Design a tailored private cloud strategy on AWS cloud that guarantees custom virtual hardware, security, modernized assets, virtual datacenter infrastructure, and web applications secured under an advanced, private environment on the AWS cloud. Select the service model that best meets your current and future company needs: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and FaaS are acronyms for Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, and Software-as-a-Service, respectively (FaaS).

Create an enterprise-specific hybrid cloud infrastructure with AWS Outpost. Utilize AWS' unmatched advantages from the comfort of your on-premises location. Adopt a hybrid cloud architecture that is exclusive to your on-premises offices, data centres, and edge networks. On addition, you can organise and manage all of your software platforms, apps, core architectures, third-party business systems, on-premises assets, and other cloud solutions via a unified interface in the AWS cloud. Utilize additional technologies such as AWS Wavelength to provide ultra-low latency for devices with high fidelity. Otherwise, use VMware Cloud on AWS to access innovative technologies and optimise cloud ROI. Select the service model that best meets your current and future company needs: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and FaaS are acronyms for Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, and Software-as-a-Service, respectively (FaaS).

Leverage end-to-end AIOps-enabled, internationally compliant AWS managed services when moving workloads to AWS - GDPR, IRAP, FedRAMP, OJK, MAS, RBI, HIPAA, SOC, PCI, ISO, etc. Adopt workflow automation - AWS project management, intelligent AWS Security, business intelligence, IT virtualization, and network administration. Choose from a broad portfolio of cloud-native solutions that are tailored to corporate objectives. AWS managed VPN, AWS CloudEndure, AWS Snowball, AWS Snowmobile, AWS Lambda, AWS managed Kubernetes, AWS managed Kafka, and virtual desktop services. Also available are technological innovations such as AWS-managed blockchain and IoT, as well as continuous business continuity and a cost-effective pay-per-use strategy.

The virtualization and transformation of data centre assets, including as databases, management applications, and servers, continues to be one of the leading reasons for cloud adoption. With CDWT, modernise your key IT/data centre assets on AWS. We will construct your Datacenter departure (DC Exit) plan and transfer all mission-critical workloads, apps, databases, and current platforms to a hyper-performance, always-available, scalable AWS cloud architecture with unmatched agility. Administer updated data storage, data flow, processes, and corporate activities with no interruptions and continuous business continuity. Utilize cutting-edge Business Intelligence and Big Data analysis solutions, such as AWS Kinesis, Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon Quicksight, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Deep Learning AMIs, and Amazon Glue Databrew, to facilitate educated business decisions.

Achieve failsafe data migration on AWS and construct a dedicated, bespoke storage solution using AWS Server Migration Services, AWS Database Migration Services, AWS Marketplace, and other resources. Easily migrate on-premises databases, data servers, database management applications, and software platforms to AWS with CDWT's comprehensive data transfer, administration, and managed storage solutions and services. This covers Oracle and SQL Server databases to Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS, Apache Cassandra databases to Amazon DynamoDB to Keyspaces, MongoDB databases to Amazon DocumentDB, Netezza and TerraData databases to Amazon RedShift, and more. Develop a plan for AWS cloud storage for files, blocks, objects, and third-party data that connects smoothly with on-premises IT infrastructure. Utilize intelligent cloud storage, dataflow, and data lake management solutions, such as Amazon S3, Amazon Lake Formation, AWS Data Exchange, Amazon Kinesis, and AWS Glue, among others.

Migrate to the AWS cloud all of your key platforms, including backend architectures, protocols, libraries, database management systems, microservices, and Kubernetes containers. This covers conventional on-premises apps, corporate systems (ERP, CRM, CMS, HRM, and more), third-party platforms, edge environments, and other software/platforms distributed across several clouds. Re-architect, rebuild, or replace platform architectures to optimise cloud platform use and achieve business objectives with unmatched agility, scalability, and continuity. Simplify platform migration procedures with innovative technologies like AWS Elastic Container Registry, Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, AWS Proton, AWS Fargate, AWS App2Container, Amazon Elastic Container Cloud, etc.

Migrate your on-premises, conventional IT infrastructure and data centres to the AWS Cloud Platform to achieve industry-leading operational agility, scalability, hyperperformance, and service excellence. Utilize CDWT’s comprehensive infrastructure migration and modernization services on AWS, which include backend computing, storage, networking, and server assets; middleware, OS, platforms, and architectures; front-end apps; and corporate software. Virtualize your backend IT with the AWS cloud platform and technologies like AWS Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon EC2 Instances, AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate, Amazon Dynamo SB, Amazon AppSync, Amazon Eventbridge, SQS, and API Gateway.

During cloud adoption, simply lifting and moving apps and development environments is a bad technique. Frequently, this restricts the full advantages of cloud computing and hinders performance. Utilize CDWT's comprehensive application migration process solutions, such as modernization services on AWS cloud, re-hosting of apps, and re-platforming of underlying code structure. -functionalities-features without modification, repairing damaged software segments, and changing fundamental application architectures to include enhanced capabilities and microservices. Enhance your corporate application management approach with intelligent AWS-native products like AWS Connect, AWS Pinpoint, Amazon Honeycode, Amazon Chime, Amazon WorkDocs, Amazon WorkMail, and AWS APIs, among others.

Incorporating the AWS cloud environment and its apps and tools into an organization's DevOps is an essential step. Utilize CDWT's powerful DevOps cloud services on AWS to adopt an agile business delivery methodology. Integrate infrastructure as code, microservices, containers, Kubernetes, and DevSecOps blueprints to transform your diverse DevOps system into a cloud-based one that is completely integrated. The comprehensive offerings and AWS solutions also include strategy roadmaps and workshops, maturity and security assessments, workflow automation, cost optimization blueprints, implementation of collaborative structures, deployment of advanced tools, and AI-Machine Learning integration, among others. Bolster every DevOps stage with cutting-edge smart solutions: AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeStar, AWS Lambda, Amazon Elastic Container Service, AWS CloudFormation, AWS OpsWorks, AWS Config, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, etc.

Migrate SAP ERP and other on-premises corporate applications and industry solutions to the AWS cloud. Utilize the benefits of SAP ERP and its sophisticated platforms, including S/4 HANA, by migrating ERP assets to the Amazon cloud platform. Add new AWS cloud-native applications to the ERP and operational capabilities. Automate essential workflow capabilities, promote collaborative collaboration, and easily manage everyday activities. Integrated AI tools and solutions enhance both the end-user experience and resource output.

Streamline AWS cloud administration for your business with the CDWT Universal Cloud platform and unleash creativity.
This platform provides the following important features:

  • Transparency and optimization of costs
  • Optimization of Capability and Resources
  • Cloud migration and Disaster Recovery
  • Security and Identity administration
  • Service Level management
  • Continuous Configuration management
  • Support services and CRM
  • Automation, Provisioning, and Orchestration
  • Administration and Policy
  • Service Request Management
  • Monitoring and Measuring Assets
  • Hyper cloud brokerage services

Unlock intelligent security management on the AWS cloud for your organisation and effortlessly protect your networks, data, and processes. Obtain automated incident management, intelligent threat detection and predictive alerting, vulnerability assessment, DevOps-friendly security, industry compliance, integrated SIEM-SOAR solutions, Privileged Access Management, Host Based Security Systems, Vulnerability Assessment, and Penetration Testing, and more with end-to-end cloud managed security services from CDWT. Utilize sophisticated risk assessment and management technologies, such as AWS Trusted Advisor, AWS Key Management Service, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Config, AWS Security Hub, Amazon Detective, CloudTrail, and GuardDuty, among others. We go to unusual lengths to protect your cloud-based IT assets and data.

With CDWT's turnkey hyperautomation solution, you can uncover the appropriate business processes for automation, collect data from even unstructured sources, automate difficult operations, and strategically expand automation throughout your organisation, among other capabilities. With their experience in process analytics and automation, our certified automation specialists have assisted a variety of firms in automating essential operations and transforming their businesses.

Adopt sophisticated automation solutions powered by AWS, as well as related services and RPA technologies, to optimise your cloud journey and impact. Modernize your top and bottom line operations and automate administrative chores that are repetitive.

IT monitoring is a time-consuming yet essential operation that strains corporate resources. The migration to the AWS cloud simplifies this essential activity. Utilize professional, round-the-clock AWS Cloud monitoring of integrated platforms, assets, virtual systems, networks, workloads, databases, and apps. Get consolidated visibility over your complete AWS cloud architecture, infrastructure logs, instances, and automatic alert mechanisms, such as danger alerts, analytical reports, and business intelligence. Utilize cloud-native instruments like AWS Monitor, CloudTrail, and CloudWatch. Monitor the health and performance of your cloud apps and obtain unique insights for decision making.

Ensure company continuity and failsafe operations on AWS cloud. Disaster Recovery as a Service on Amazon Web Services (DRaaS) from CDWT includes secure site colocation services, database backups and recovery, planned runbook creation with DR drills, RTO/RPO and fail-over assistance, uninterrupted network-server infrastructure and architecture support, automated risk management tools, global compliance, and 24/7 consulting support. Utilize products from the AWS Snow Family for offline datacenter transfer (Large scale migrations). Automate online data backup, archiving, and recovery using AWS Backup, AWS S3 Glacier, etc. Obtain a new level of corporate agility with innovative DR IT services.

Phase 01: Strategy and Blueprinting

Phase 02: Plan

Phase 03: Readiness

  • Assess the business objectives and intended results
  • Map business requirements and objectives to measurable KPIs
  • Identify the criteria for cloud adoption

  • Rationalize or create modernization plans for digital asset migration.
  • Define and prioritize essential tasks
  • Align transition-bound assets
  • Define timescales for iterations and migrations
  • Creating a roadmap of the whole journey's landmarks

  • Prepare the environment for migration
  • Expand the design of the landing zone

Phase 04: Migrate and Innovate

Phase 05: Management and Governance

  • Evaluate migration preparedness of the landscape
  • Start the Migration with rehosting
  • Optimize assets
  • Securing and Managing migration
  • Abstract Infrastructure
  • Refactor, Re-architect, and Rebuild Critical IT Infrastructure

  • complete responsibility for managing cloud workloads
  • Cost, security, data integrity, and compliance adherence should be optimized.
  • Mapping business risk and tolerance
  • Define regulations and record infractions
  • Monitor expenditures and establish cost responsibilities
  • Securing the cloud architecture with design
  • Identity and access fundamentals
  • Promote uniformity and standardization of procedures

Advance, Automate, Optimize: The Comprehensive AWS Cloud Adoption Framework of CDWT

The major distinction between CDWT’s specialised AWS Adoption Framework and older methods is the former’s emphasis on end-to-end results, intelligent process automation, and expert oversight. This not only results in a hyper-agile AWS migration of different, heterogeneous IT landscapes with zero data loss and 99.95% availability, but also improves TCO at each step of the transfer.

Step 01: Strategy and Planning Step02: Stage Readiness Step 3.1: Adopt Migration Step 3.2: Adopt Innovation Step 04: Manage & Govern

1. Strategic Planning and Formulation

a. Evaluation and Blueprinting:
  • Business and Stakeholders
  • Cloud Planning and Vision
  • Motivations
  • Objectives and Results
  • Justifications
b. Participation and Planning:
  • Discovery seminar on CAF-based Assessment
  • Migration Methodologies and Migration Plan Outcomes
c. Deployment of evaluation instruments in the environment:
  • Discover, Process, and Save
  • Mapping Application Dependencies
  • mapping of application, network, and security ports
  • Availability of Applications with SLA Matrix and HA+DR
  • Architectonics of database deployment
  • Versions, Compatibility, and Licensing of Databases
d. Network Exploration:
  • Design of Network Architecture
  • Perimeter and Interior Firewall regulations
  • WAF, Application, and Load Balancing
  • VPNs
e. Protection and Compliance:

  • Security operations manual and guidelines
  • Security instruments and configuration settings
f. Company Continuity:

  • Backup policy and equipment
  • Disaster Restoration

2. Stage Readiness

a. Gap Analysis
b. Existing and Future Landscape
c. Migration Strategy:
  • Lift and Move
  • Redeployment
  • Replatform
d. Cloud Landing Zone Capability:
  • Network: Firewall, Virtual Private Network, Application Gateways, WAF, and DDoS
  • Compliance control mapping for cloud-native tool setups.
  • Compute and Storage: Type of Storage and Virtual Instances
  • Continuity: Disaster Recovery and Backup
e. Timelines for Migration and Project Plan

3.1. Adopt-Migration

  • Assess assets and develop a strategy
  • Validate pre-requisites: landing zone, skilling
b. Optimize:
  • Obtain a balance between performance, customer experience, and pricing.
  • Resize Virtual Machines, Storage, and Database
c. Migrate: REHOST
  • Replicate on-premises functionality utilizing cloud-native technologies (lift and shift).
  • Utilization of AWS Migration Services Guide
d. Secure and Manage
  • Prepare the transferred item for continuous use.
  • security, surveillance, and configuration
  • Plan for Workload Migration:
  • Lift and shift using equipment
  • DMA for Cloud-Managed Databases and Open Source Databases.
  • VMs with native replication for databases
  • Test and Application Functionality Validation
  • Final Sync and Primary Promotion in the Cloud

3.2. Adopt-Innovative

  • Cloud-native apps designed from the ground up for cloud deployment
  • Modify current applications into managed containers for cloud-native advantages.
  • Reworking an application to conform to a PaaS/Serverless-based architecture or refactoring code to provide new business prospects.
  • A new code base is developed in accordance with a cloud-native methodology.
  • Landscape Innovation Map:
  1. Modernization of Applications: Containerization and Apps Services
  2. Free Database Migration Software
  3. Automated Deployments Utilizing IAC and RPA
  4. DevOps: Playbooks for CI/CD Deployment
  5. DevSecOps

4. Manage and Govern

  • Document business risk and risk tolerance
  • Define policies and develop procedures for monitoring infractions.
  • Monitor expenditures and establish cost responsibilities
  • Make every attempt secure by design
  • Enforce identity and access policy with the correct RBAC
  • Drive and emphasise consistency and uniformity

Twelve-plus years as one of the most dependable AWS Migration and Managed Cloud Service Providers in APAC, MEA, and the Americas.

The world's leading Application-centric, high-end managed services provider with AWS Managed Operations powered by AIOps.

Adopt AWS Cloud Choice of deployment model: Public, Private, Community, or Hybrid Cloud

Zero Friction AWS Migration Model with market-leading AWS Cloud Adoption Factory methodology, 25000+ Apps and Databases moved.

4000+ business clients, including 60 of the Fortune 500 and 5 of the top 20 global banks

The successful implementation of Public, Private, Hybrid, Multi, and Community AWS Cloud systems in 26 countries globally.

99.95% application availability, hyper-scalability, industry-leading uptime, and 50,000+ transactions per hour without failure.

Proven knowledge administering over 10,000 SAP instances and over 2,300 TB of HANA Database on AWS Cloud.

Proven knowledge with IBM, Oracle, OpenText, and Infosys, as well as cloud-native enterprise application management, including SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS transition on AWS Cloud.

Host and deploy apps in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) region of your choosing to ensure high availability and minimal downtime.

Avail a AWS cloud service model of choice: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS).

Dedicated DR options on AWS for diverse, complex application environments, including automated recovery-backup, failback-failover techniques.

Cost-effective Pay-per-use model under single SLA

1 Billion+ Hours of Managed Fail-safe Application Hosting managing 40,000+ VMs

Strict compliance with regulatory and country-specific data residency requirements

The AWS Cloud Migration Services include the migration of an enterprise's whole IT environment, including backend infrastructure, datacenter assets, compute, storage, networks, databases, platforms, architectures, and applications, to the internet-accessible virtual world.

The AWS datacenter hosts the modernization or virtualization of the assets (distantly located magnanimous computing infrastructure accessible to users on a subscription basis).

Since a result, businesses do not have to worry about IT administration, maintenance, updates, security, availability, and scalability, as these are handled by cloud service providers.
AWS Cloud Migration may take place in several ways.

Lift and relocate all resources and IT assets to the Amazon cloud is the easiest method.

However, practically, the majority of assets must be adapted, refactored, restructured, or rearchitected to maximise cloud platform use.

This includes adapting, virtualizing, and optimising essential assets to provide a seamless shift to the AWS cloud.
AWS migration may be carried out in public, private, hybrid, or multi-cloud manner.

The public cloud approach gives the organisation access to a pool of shared cloud resources with all other cloud platform customers.

This ensures economies of scale, availability, scalability, and other benefits.

Private cloud deployment describes a firm-specific cloud-based architecture that is inaccessible to the general public.

Vast companies managing large amounts of sensitive, highly personal information that cannot be risked on a shared basis use this service.

Hybrid cloud provides the best of both worlds, since on-premises private IT assets may be linked to a public cloud network through shared gateways, interfaces, and protocols.

Multi cloud refers to the deployment of several cloud environments for varying activities that fulfil compliance standards in an organisation, which may or may not be synchronised.
AWS Cloud migration has ushered in a technological revolution.

All infra may be accessible, scaled on-demand via the internet for a subscription price, as opposed to privately placed, on-premise IT infrastructure that is expensive and burdened with administration, maintenance, operational, and upgrade issues.

This reduces IT headaches and expenses, introduces zero operational hiccups during high traffic periods (scalable virtual cloud servers), combines top-tier architectural security, and provides continuous availability and continuity (DR on AWS).

To update, transform, and digitise day-to-day operations, enterprises may also use a bespoke suite of AWS cloud solutions (from a family of 200+ products).