CDWT Azure

Enhance your cloud transition path for hypergrowth without interruption. Switch to a fully optimised and secure Azure cloud adoption framework

20 to 50 percent more will be spent on cloud adoption by businesses that are ignorant of the common pitfalls.

Organizations are creating more data than ever before, embracing technological advancements, transitioning to cloud platforms, and adopting digital-first business strategies. Companies can no longer depend on conventional ITOps procedures and processes. Legacy IT systems, applications, and tools operating on-premises datacenters are no longer cost-effective or performance-intensive enough to provide the scalability and agility organisations need to develop and thrive in today’s hypercompetitive environment.

The transition to the cloud is impending, particularly on hyperscaler systems like Microsoft Azure. However, are businesses using the cloud with the correct approach?

Over one-third

of organisations exceed their cloud budget by up to 40%.

Within the next

three years, 95% of all business workloads will be hosted on the cloud.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Adoption Framework: CDWT’s Implementation

By the end of 2021, more than 67% of organisations have used cloud-based infrastructure.

Microsoft Azure is one of the major cloud platforms in the world due to its native ecosystem flexibility, sophisticated solutions and services, extensive partner networks, and pay-as-you-go integration models. To realise the full potential of the cloud, organisations must adopt a consistent strategy that optimises uptime throughout the stack, minimises migration interruptions and data loss, and ensures that the whole architecture supports the organization's present and future business goals. Unplanned migrations can only lead to overprovisioning and unneeded cloud expansion, which undermines operational budgets and security.
Microsoft Azure is one of the major cloud platforms in the world due to its native ecosystem flexibility, sophisticated solutions and services, extensive partner networks, and pay-as-you-go integration models. To realise the full potential of the cloud, organisations must adopt a consistent strategy that optimises uptime throughout the stack, minimises migration interruptions and data loss, and ensures that the whole architecture supports the organization's present and future business goals. Unplanned migrations can only lead to overprovisioning and unneeded cloud expansion, which undermines operational budgets and security.
Using a defined Cloud Adoption Framework, CDWT, the world's top application-focused Cloud MSP and an Azure Expert MSP with 9 Azure Advanced Specializations, assists businesses in migrating to Microsoft Azure (CAF). Our team of professionals will provide a full roadmap for your Azure journey, including Discovery, Landscape Assessment, Migration, and even the administration and security of your Azure assets. In addition, we would assist businesses in identifying the optimal approach and optimal stack of native Azure tools for addressing business goals and functioning reliably on Azure Cloud.
Using a defined Cloud Adoption Framework, CDWT, the world's top application-focused Cloud MSP and an Azure Expert MSP with 9 Azure Advanced Specializations, assists businesses in migrating to Microsoft Azure (CAF). Our team of professionals will provide a full roadmap for your Azure journey, including Discovery, Landscape Assessment, Migration, and even the administration and security of your Azure assets. In addition, we would assist businesses in identifying the optimal approach and optimal stack of native Azure tools for addressing business goals and functioning reliably on Azure Cloud.

Brief Description of Our Azure Cloud Adoption Framework

Migration Assessment

Migration Planning

Migration & Operations

  • Examine and evaluate preparedness
  • identify and engage key stakeholders
  • Connect business and technology
  • Construct a Business Case
  • Perform comprehensive investigation
  • Construct a migration strategy
  • Design an operational model
  • Assure security and compliance
  • Migrate, Integrate, test, convert
  • Monitor, Optimize
  • Innovate for ongoing development
  • Optimum outcomes
A Comprehensive Map

Azure Cloud Adoption Framework



Start by identifying your particular company goals in order to determine how Microsoft Azure can help you.


Begin by aligning your organization's people, stakeholders, processes, and technology in order to develop a cloud adoption strategy.


This is where you prepare your Azure cloud environment. Once you are prepared, begin implementing the fundamental components of migration.


This phase contains two components: migration and innovation. To update your digital state, you may either transfer your on-premises infrastructure to the cloud or innovate to take full use of cloud-native technology.


Follow the best practises for tracking your performance and developing the resilience to recover from any problems.


Create intelligent benchmarks and monitor your Azure cloud environment by collecting data and receiving warnings.

Advantages of the Azure Cloud Adoption Framework
Powered by CDWT

Rapid Cloud Decision Making

Rapid Cloud Decision Making

Gain access to a factory-based approach to cloud deployment and accelerate the cloud migration process. By defining the proper business case and migration strategy, CDWT identifies the required tools and services and executes cloud migration under stringent time constraints. This provides for constant availability, agility, and zero data loss, regardless of the size or complexity of the landscape.

Cost Clarity and Management

Cost Clarity and Management

Azure Cloud Migration Framework is a cost-effective cloud framework because it incorporates CDWT's smart cloud cost optimization algorithms to cut needless charges without sacrificing quality or security.

Dependence, Exploration, and Planning

Dependence, Exploration, and Planning

Activities like as technical assessments, hardware/software evaluations, and mapping of application dependencies are undertaken to increase the likelihood of a smooth and seamless cloud migration. Azure CAF focuses on the cloud-readiness of your application's data and infrastructure to ensure optimal performance.



Infrastructure security is enhanced through solutions and technologies such as Azure security centre, Azure Sentinel, and Azure firewall in conjunction with CDWT's Self-Healing Operations Platform (SHOP). Auto-remediation and self-healing provide organisations with end-to-end cloud migration, modernisation, and managed services automatically and with minimum human intervention.

Native Cloud-Environment Enhanced for Performance

Native Cloud-Environment Enhanced for Performance

CDWT's Cloud Adoption Framework assists enterprises in using Azure-native capabilities and finding the optimal solutions to streamline operations.

Availability and Scalability

Availability and Scalability

Azure CAF guarantees your company industry-leading availability and scalability with Azure cloud up to the Application Login layer.

Comprehensive Compliance Management

Comprehensive Compliance Management

Azure CAF will also conduct a comprehensive review of your organization's compliance practises and provide a report detailing any necessary adjustments. In addition, CDWT's enhanced managed capabilities provide: Built-in, platform-specific compliance tools Features of configuration management Guidance sources that might prevent fines and penalties

The Principal Phases of the Azure Cloud Adoption Framework

This phase enables stakeholders to comprehend the business effect and anticipated business results of cloud adoption.

Step 01: Understanding the rationale for cloud migration

A team of migration specialists from CDWT will evaluate the enterprise’s business, present landscapes, and workloads in order to assist them categorise the motives into three groups.

Critical Business Events or Decisions
  • Datacenter Exit
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • End of Support (EoS) of Critical Mission Technologies
  • Regulatory Compliance modifications
Migration Triggers
  • Cost Savings
  • Reduce Supplier or Technical Complicatedness
  • Infrastructure and operations optimization
  • Enhance Organizational Agility
  • Scale to fulfil Market or regional needs
Innovative Triggers
  • Ace Customer Experience
  • Change Products and Services
  • Disruptive Innovation (s)
  • Develop New Technical Capabilities for Longevity and/or Competitive Advantage
Step 2: Determine Business Results

CDWT involves diverse stakeholders and records intended cloud adoption results. The most typical outcomes expected by clients at this stage are:


  • Increased Earnings
  • Optimized Expenses


  • Accelerated Time-to-Market
  • Rapid reaction to change


  • High Availability
  • Zero data loss and minimal business impacts


  • Permanent Compliance
  • Observance of regional and sector-specific legislation


  • Compliance with Data Sovereignty laws and regulations
  • Quicker time to address stated/unstated client demand
Step 3: Organizational Justification

CDWT migration specialists can assist businesses in developing a business case for the cloud. A smooth and uncomplicated migration to the Azure cloud provides depreciation savings, physical asset recovery, operating cost reduction, cost avoidance, soft-cost reduction, staff reductions, and capital expenditure reductions or avoidance.

Step 4: Select Your Initial Project

CDWT assists businesses in selecting their first project by providing them with well defined criteria and a list of desired business results.

The primary function of cloud adoption is to make organisations’ cloud adoption strategies a reality. With the aid of the cloud adoption strategy, CDWT’s team of specialists assists businesses in performing the necessary technical activities to achieve the intended business outcomes.

Rationalize Digital Estate
Here, crucial choices about an asset's rehosting (life and shift) or retirement are made.
Prioritize and define workloads
Prioritized are the first ten workloads that will generate an initial adoption backlog.
Align Assets
Identified are the assets (planned or existent) necessary to support the priority workloads.
Examine Rationalization
The first-step rationalisation choices are improved for adoption-path decisions: Migration or Innovation
Estimate Timelines
Initial estimations are used to define approximate release planning deadlines.

STEP: 01

Prepare the Ambient Conditions

The CDWT team develops the design for the landing zone, which includes network, security, computing, storage, security controls, cloud platform operations, and governance regulations. The plan emphasises the organization’s standard operating procedures for security and governance.

STEP: 02

Expanding the Landing Zone Blueprint

There are three types of factors to consider while designing a landing zone.

Hosting – Decisions about computation, storage, networking, and databases to offer hosting alternatives in the touchdown zone. blueprint
Fundamentals of Azure – These are the fundamental building elements for arranging cloud-based resources.
Governance Considerations – Implementation of governance principles at each landing zone

Step 1: Intuitive choice and creativity using the 6Rs

Several cloud-native features might be advantageous to older applications when the system is upgraded to their benefit. CDWT facilitates selection among the renowned 6Rs. What exactly are they?


The organisation abandons its on-premises software licence and migrates to the cloud-based version of the same software, repurchasing the licence.


Identifying the apps and current workloads to be transferred and lifting and shifting them to the cloud environment is the purpose of this step.


This procedure employs a similar technique to rehosting platforms and apps. Nonetheless, adjustments are done to guarantee that the platforms operate properly on the Azure cloud.


To prepare existing on-premises apps, databases, and workloads for cloud migration, the codebases are drastically redesigned.


This entails identifying duplicate apps or platforms that are producing needless strain and driving up operating expenses. They may be decommissioned and replaced with a version that is more cloud-friendly.


Businesses may choose to keep certain old, on-premises apps if they offer excellent performance and are integral to mission-critical initiatives.

Maintaining a well-managed cloud infrastructure requires strict adherence to governance/compliance standards.

Document business risk and risk tolerance
Define policies and develop procedures for monitoring infractions.
Monitor costs and establish cost responsibilities
Make every attempt secure by design
Enforce identity and access policy with the correct RBAC
Drive and emphasise consistency and uniformity

Security and Continuity During Microsoft Azure Cloud Migration

CDWT, a recognised Azure Expert MSP and Microsoft Gold Partner, has developed experience in safeguarding infrastructure, data, and operations for almost 500 businesses across a variety of industries. As the leading application-centric managed cloud service provider in the world with worldwide experience in cloud cybersecurity management, we are devoted to being the best partner for securing IT on Azure cloud.

Our engineers use Azure’s unique cloud technologies to provide the finest uptime, high availability, and intelligent risk management in the market. This is accomplished through the following characteristics:

Global Observation and Visibility

Reduced Ecosystem Complexity

Optimization & Cost Administration

Incident & Access Administration

Policy & Compliance Administration

Our security system, which is regulated by more than 40 Security Control goals, is instantaneously compatible with the vast majority of global regulatory requirements.

What Sets CDWT Apart: Why Partner with Us?

Twelve or more years as one of the most trusted Managed AWS cloud services and Application Modernization providers in APAC, MEA, and the Americas.

As a committed AWS Partner, the world's leading Application-focused, high-end managed services provider with AIOps-driven AWS Managed Operations.

24/7 Support supported by more than 2,000 cloud-certified professionals (including Kubernetes and DevOps specialists) who are proficient with ITIL, ITSM, and CoBIT delivery processes, and 26 Centers of Excellence.

Zero Friction AWS Application Modernization Model with industry-leading Application Migration Factory methodology, 25000+ migrated Apps, and Databases.

4000+ business clients, including 60 of the Fortune 500 and 5 of the top 20 global banks

The successful implementation of Public, Private, Hybrid, Multi, and Community AWS Cloud systems in 26 countries globally.

99.95% application availability, hyper-scalability, industry-leading uptime, and 50,000+ transactions per hour without failure.

Proven knowledge administering over 10,000 SAP instances and over 2,300 TB of HANA Database on AWS Cloud.

Proven knowledge with IBM, Oracle, OpenText, and Infosys, as well as cloud-native enterprise application management, including SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS transition on AWS Cloud.

Host and deploy apps in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) region of your choosing to ensure high availability and minimal downtime.

Proven knowledge in end-to-end Application Modernization with a focus on development, engineering, maintenance, administration, and security monitoring.

Dedicated DR options on AWS for diverse, complex application environments, including automated recovery-backup, failback-failover techniques.

Expertise in Dedicated Application Managed Security Services on AWS, 40+ Security Controls, and Dedicated SOCs.

CDWT's automation solutions, including Self-healing Operations, Automation Delivery platforms, and RPA solutions, include Self-healing Operations.

Expertise with hundreds of AWS cloud-native apps and technologies, best handled in accordance with customised business processes

Cost-effective Pay-per-use model under single SLA

1 Billion+ Hours of Managed Fail-safe Application Hosting managing 40,000+ VMs

Strict compliance with regulatory and country-specific data residency requirements

Azure Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) – FAQ’s

Azure Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) is a comprehensive set of best practises, tools, and techniques for implementing business and technology strategies for organisations shifting to Azure cloud.

These are gathered from the success stories of enterprises that have moved to the Microsoft Azure cloud, as well as Microsoft's best practises.

Your organisation may establish the strategy, plan, prepare, implement, control, and manage its cloud migration journey with the assistance of a reputable managed services provider. Contact our Cloud specialists to arrange your enterprise's migration to the Microsoft Azure cloud according the Azure CAF.
Cloud Adoption Framework is a tried-and-true way for developing and executing the tools and tactics required for corporate success on the cloud.

The cloud adoption framework includes all best practises, documentation, and tools that may be used by business managers, IT experts, and architects.

An ideal managed service provider is capable of assessing the enterprise's objectives and outlining a customised Cloud migration route in the form of a Cloud Adoption framework.

Contact our Cloud specialists to design your enterprise's transition to the cloud in accordance with industry best practises.
The Azure Cloud Adoption Framework (Azure CAF) assists enterprises in identifying their IT infrastructure's deficiencies and improvement opportunities, and hence their business operations.

It facilitates alignment between business and technological priorities. It thus makes it simpler to identify the best course of action, risks associated, and risk mitigation methods to implement before, during, and after cloud migration.
To design Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure Cloud for your firm, it is necessary to include a great deal of research and best practises, which an experienced Cloud Migration Partner can supply.

CDWT will lessen the amount of guessing and time required to accomplish the same results.

CDWT will also assist you with CAF adoption-related documents and counselling. In addition to initial setup, you will get periodical evaluation and audit reports on performance, which will pave the way for your organization's cloud journey.