Analysis and Reports

SmartEducation – All-in-one ERP gives a centralised location for all reporting, including Student progress, Attendance, Exams, Fees, and Dynamic methods. All integrated module reports are compiled in a single location. Generate all of your e-Paper needs with a single click.


Institute Analysis and Reporting System

Analysis reports like Student progress, Attendance, Exams, Fees and Dynamic ways… etc are constantly required documents in institutions. In the digital age, analytical reporting seems to be more indispensable but challenging because of the data explosion.

Analysis reports displaying analysis results and feasible suggestions, and providing valuable information for decision-makers so that they can evaluate current operation status and then make well-informed decisions.

According to different analysis objects, purposes, and methods, analysis reports can be categorized into many types, such as comprehensive analysis reports, thematic analysis reports, routine work analysis reports, etc.

Awesome features

Institute Analysis, MIS Reports, Module Reports
and many more …

Classroom Reports

Attendance Report

Result Reports

Fee Reports

Dynamic Reports

Staff Reports

Library Reports

User MIS Reports

Inquiry Reports

Transport Reports

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Analysis and Reports
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